Over a fifth of homes in the UK are uninsured according to statistics collected by the Cooperative Insurance Company, and the charity Shelter. The home insurance provider and homeless charity have teamed up in an attempt to raise funds for people who are facing housing problems. As of this week, the Co-op will donate £5 from each home insurance policy sold to help raise funds for Shelter. The two organisations conducted a study into the home insurance habits of UK residents. The research found that 42% of those questioned don’t have home insurance cover as they say they can’t afford it. 22% of people don’t consider home insurance important, while 18% don’t think their possessions aren’t worth insuring. Money issues are causing British home owners to have sleepless nights as the study found that 26% of people are not confident they are able to pay the bills every month, while two thirds of those questioned admitted they were worried about money. Financial worries seems to be the main factor in homeowners failing to take out home insurance policies, however experts warn that saving on cover could be a false economy should the property fall victim to burglary or fire as they’ll be left be left to pick up the full bill for damage or items stolen.