The house number 243 has been revealed as the unluckiest in Britain with residents living at this address more likely to make a claim on their home insurance policy. The unscientific research was conducted by the home insurance price comparison website and takes into account information dating back to January 2007 from those visiting the website. The information gleamed from the price comparison site’s database revealed that 45% of those living at house number 243 had made a claim on their home cover since January 2007. The majority of claims were related to accidental damage to the home or loss, only 4% were connected to theft or burglary. House number 201 was found to be the second most unluckiest house number followed by number 1. Surprisingly, house number 13, which is often perceived as the most unlucky number, didn’t even make it into the top ten and was instead ranked 182nd on the list compiled by The research has been released at the same time as the most home insurance claims are being received. Home insurance providers receive a high number of claims after the festive period as houses tend to be filled with more people than usual, and more alcohol is consumed than at any other time of the year, resulting in more accidental damage occurring in the home.