It is reasonable to expect that any disqualifications for driving will mean insurance rates will be higher, however, the amount in which you are charged for insurance should not be unreachable. At High Gear we want to learn about what you want for your policy, not restricting you with low standard insurance that is overpriced. If you have a DD20 then you have been caught driving at a dangerous speed, with such actions taken very seriously by the insurance industry. Many convicted drivers can feel really let down by their insurers in such times, not supporting them with high standard policies but providing them with unsatisfactory cover plans that are ridiculously expensive. High Gear works in a very different fashion, working alongside our excellent insurance panel to create an exceptional insurance agreement for convicted drivers. From DR10 policies to DD50 cover, whatever penalty you have we can help. Contact a member of the team today and allow them to talk you through the endless possibilities for you and your vehicle. [convictions]