Drivers are being advised to provide as many details as possible when obtaining a car insurance quote in order to receive the most accurate rate. Adding details such as marital status, occupation, and number of miles covered can help to reduce premiums for low risk drivers. Car insurance providers are increasingly offering no claims bonus cover with a recent survey revealing that 17% of policies offer the assurance of safeguarding a driver’s no claims bonus even if they have a collision which has risen from 13% two years ago. The study was carried out by Defaqto and scrutinised some 5,000 policies in order to compile the results. Separate research also found that the inclusion of extra personal details on an insurance policy can help lower the annual premium in some cases. Volunteering information such as where your vehicle is kept overnight, your marital status, and the area your car is most in use, can help to generate a quote which accurately reflects your driving habits and behaviour, which can lead to a reduced premium being quoted. Car insurance experts are also urging drivers to double check their policy details before signing on the dotted line to ensure all of their needs are being met with the policy. Another key details to look for when taking out a new policy is that your vehicle is covered should you have an accident involving an uninsured vehicle.