Specialist female car insurance provider, Sheila’s Wheels, say they are not worried about the forthcoming European Court of Justice ruling which is expected to bring an end to gender bias in the car insurance industry. Currently, women enjoy cheaper car insurance premiums than men on the whole, this is especially true in the younger age brackets as young male drivers have been proven to pose a bigger risk to insurers as they have a higher accident rate. However if the expected EU ruling goes ahead, it will then become illegal for insurance providers to calculate insurance rates based on gender. This could spell bad news for insurance companies, such as Sheila’s Wheels, who specialise in cover for female drivers. However the insurer says they are not worried about the anticipated change. They believe that the change could be beneficial to specialist female insurers as it will attract more drivers to their brand. Although Sheila’s Wheels do offer insurance policies to men, the overwhelming number of customers are female. Because of this high ratio of women to men holding Sheila’s Wheels policies, premiums will be kept low as women are statistically, less likely to be involved in a serious accident. Sheila’s Wheels are currently running an advertising campaign on TV and in press publications, however they are not planning to run an ad campaign in light of the expected change to gender discrimination in the insurance industry.