If you’re about to take out a new insurance policy on your home, you could make some great savings through a one-off scheme which has just been introduced by Nationwide. The building society is offering new customer who take out a buildings and contents insurance policy, 100 free days of cover. The offer is only available to customers who are new to Nationwide, and will run from now, until September 5th 2010. It’s a great way for home insurance policyholders to make some serious savings on the cost of cover for their property. Nationwide is also offering an extra incentive for customers to buy their policy online as those who buy their cover from the company’s website will be awarded an extra 20 days of free cover. The home insurance policy from Nationwide has received a 5 star rating from an independent reviewer so customers who are new to Nationwide and are unsure about signing up, can rest assured that they will receive a great deal on a top quality policy. Key features of the Nationwide annual policy include reasonable costs of repair should your property receive damage from a natural disaster, and also unlimited cover for all eligible properties.