For many cheap car insurance is just a pipedream, with almost everyone being stung by high rates. That said it appears that we are in a time of transition, with insurance providers and brokers displaying a want to help Britain save money. The latest group of people to have been supported is cyclists, with the insurance industry believing those that ride a pushbike to be a lot less of a risk than your average driver.'s homepage said: "We think cycling on the road has made you a better driver." Explaining their unique business idea the company said: "We have been able to demonstrate to motor underwriters that cyclists, who are part of a club, are better car insurance risks than the average driver due to their enhanced spatial awareness, road alertness and healthy lifestyle. High Gear Insurance is another company that are giving cyclists a financial break, with Director, Imran Ahmed, also claiming cyclists to be ‘a low-risk category’. ‘At High Gear we use a blend of knowledge and technology when creating quotations for cover, giving more realistic prices to our customers. When it comes to cyclists we know that generally speaking they have a great knowledge of the road, thus appear as less of a risk when in a car’. Let us know what you think, do you believe cyclists deserve such rewards? Leave your thoughts below.