As a recent survey revealed that more and more women are choosing to splash out on designer handbags, the need for insurance to cover these expensive purchases is more important than ever. With 1 in 3 women admitting to spending between £150 and £500 on a handbag, plus when you add in the cost of items carried in the bag such as purses, credit cards, money, make-up, mobile phones, personal diaries and music players, the average worth of a handbag could be in the thousands. is offering a policy specifically for designer handbags called Boutique which provides cover for up to £2,500 for a handbag and contents, although extra cover is offered for specific items such as expensive mobile phones, and credit cards. However the advice being given by insurance experts is to check existing insurance policies before taking out a standalone policy for your handbag to avoid paying twice for cover. Some car insurance policies, such as cover offered by Diamond and Sheila’s Wheels, comes with handbag insurance as standard for up to £300. Selected banks also offer cover for handbags to private customers so it’s worth checking with your bank before signing up to a policy. Natwest, for example, offers its customers handbag cover for up to £500 and £300 towards the theft of an electronic gadget from the bag as well.