When searching for motor insurance you will be inundated with various questions, with providers wanting to know the ins and outs of you and your car. Although all of these questions play a role in the price calculated the yearly mileage you claim to carry out is essential; having a huge bearing on the rate arrived at. At High Gear we place a heavy focus on the amount in which you use your car, with the number of miles you drive dictating the level of risk you pose when out on the road. What is limited millage? Limited mileage insurance schemes help people that do not drive that often receive cheap cover, seeing that they do not pay over the odds for car insurance. By putting a figure in place we can put these details to providers, gaining clearer quotes that reflect your driving style. Where this is a benefit for people that simply use their car once a week to pop to the shops there are many other groups that benefit from limited millage policies including insurance for:
- Second cars
- Show cars
- Modified cars
- Wedding cars