Taxi drivers have a reputation for going that extra mile for their passengers, whether it be opening the door for them or carrying their luggage in and out of their vehicle. Tesfaldet Abraham is a taxi driver from Manchester who, like many drivers will go above and beyond to see their customers receive a great service form them. Taxi drivers love those late night fares to take a few passengers down the road. When this Manchester cabby agreed to a booking to take a couple to the local hospital he may have experienced a lot more than he had bargained for. As Pavla Machacova felt she was going into labor, her partner, Pavel Stupka immediately rang the local taxi firm to take them to the hospital. During the ride it became pretty obvious that the baby was coming a lot sooner than anyone has anticipated, resulting in the baby girl making an early appearance being delivered in the taxi. Tesfaldet, 44, who works for city centre cab firm Cresta Carsm said: “It was not a very long distance to the hospital and we were not thinking the baby would come as soon as that, even the husband didn’t seem to know how far gone she was.” “The midwives ran out to the car, told me to grab towels and gloves from inside and the baby was born within five minutes. I got into the back of the car to help hand them what they needed. “I couldn’t be happier. It’s amazing. I picked up two people and delivered three!” Obviously this is not the ideal birthing plan but Pavla seems to be very happy with the way in which the birth was delivered, commending the taxi driver for his help with the situation. “It was so unexpected. With Kristina the labour was 12 hours and this was 30 minutes. I’d only had contractions for about five minutes before we rang the taxi and then she was here. It was too fast. I’m really happy to be at home with Nicole.” Pavel said:“ We’re so grateful to the driver and the hospital. We have received a lovely bunch of flowers from Mr Abraham so it’s nice to know he’s thinking of us.” Derek Brocklehurst, manager of Cresta Cars, said: “It’s great. We wish both the parents and the child all the best.” Baby Nicole was born weighing a healthy 7lbs 7oz, returning home the following day to meet the rest of her family.