The medical profession are the most likely to make a claim on their car insurance, making up 5 out of the top 10 professions who’ve made a claim on their motoring policy within the last 12 months. The survey was carried out by price comparison website,, which questioned a range of drivers with different occupations to discover if profession has a bearing on the number of claims made. GPS topped the poll, with 33% of them making a claim on their car insurance policy in the last year. Psychologists and district nurses were next in line, with 30%, while hospital doctors made up 29% of claimants last year, and 27% of dentists and opticians. Surprisingly police officers were also high up on the list, with 26% of those questioned having made a car insurance claim within the last 12 months. In contrast, white van men, painters and decorators, mechanics and other manual professions featured much lower down on the list making up 85% of the bottom 20 of the professions least likely to make a claim. In the last year only 10% of construction and farm workers have made a claim, but car valets were found to be the profession least likely to claim, with just 9% having done so in the last year.