Online car insurance provider, Swiftcover, have announced plans to run background checks on all future customers as part of their drive to reduce fraudulent claims. A survey conducted by the insurance provider found that 10% of all future customers would lie about their claims history in order to get cheaper insurance. 60% of these drivers said they wouldn’t attempt to take out a policy with Swiftcover if an investigation into their claims history was carried out, and would instead turn to another insurer to avoid being found out. Swiftcover are not about to take this matter lying down and have decided to start running checks on the claims previously made by those applying for cover in order to weed out the repeat offenders who take advantage of the system. Individuals who abuse the car insurance system by making fraudulent claims push up the cost of premiums for all other policyholders. Swiftcover hope that with the introduction of their new checks, they will minimise the number of fraudulent claims being made, which will in turn, help to reduce the cost of insurance premiums for their honest policyholders. Swiftcover say they are committed to only working with safe and law-abiding drivers and the new initiative will enable them to eliminate potential fraudsters from taking out policies with them.