The findings of a recent survey by a leading insurance price comparison website has found that drivers in the UK are being more honest when applying for quotes for car insurance and are not attempting to bend the truth in order to get a cheaper deal. The research was conducted by car insurance price comparison website,, and found that there has been a sharp decline in the number of drivers lying to insurance providers with the intention of getting a cheaper rate on their annual cover compared to this time last year. In 2010 a similar survey found that 32% of women and 46% had been economical with the truth when applying for car insurance, however those figures are in sharp contrast to this year’s results with just 12% of women and 17% of men admitting to lying to their insurance company. The results are even more unexpected as the cost of car insurance has continued to rise year on year making it more expensive for drivers to get cover for their vehicle. Although drivers appear to be more honest this year, one thing hasn’t changed and that’s the gender divide as the study conducted by on 2,000 customers found that men are still more likely to tell a white lie to their insurance company compared to women. One of the main reasons cited for this honest approach to car insurance shopping is that drivers are becoming wary of lying to their insurance provider amid fears their policy could be deemed invalid should they attempt to make a claim and information provided is found to be false.