When booking a cab you expect a certain level of customer service. Although many like to travel in silence there is a certain invisible barrier between the passenger and the driver, with the chauffeured free to enjoy their ride however they like.
For two Uber passengers this was not the case, with their driver kicking them out of their booked vehicle in disproof of their sexuality.
Jordan, 23, from Toronto, said: "It was a completely normal cab ride.
"Corey and I were talking and kissing and cuddling and suddenly the driver stopped and told us to get out.
"I was caught off guard at first but then said to him, 'Excuse me?'
"I wanted to find out what his problem and just have a conversation with him but he just told us to get out the cab again.
"Corey was quite angry but I just wanted to understand the driver's reasoning.
"So I asked him, 'Are you making us get out because we are gay?'
"He said, 'No, I pick up gay customers all the time but they don't do that.'
"I felt shocked - you don't expect that sort of homophobic reaction in London.
It seems that this poor couple felt the wrath of the not-so-modern taxi driver
The gay couple got in the taxi near Covent Garden around 8pm before being asked to leave just a few moments after. Although a horrible experience for anyone the couple claim that the driver seems to be show remorse immediately, appearing to be ‘embarrassed.
Jordan, Corey’s partner said: "I'm not naive. I know there's homophobia but London is one of gayest cities in the world.
"I just can't understand the driver's thinking.
"He wouldn't have reacted the same way if it had been a man or a woman."
An Uber spokesperson said the firm had launched an investigation.
“Uber does not tolerate any form of discrimination either by our partner drivers or towards our partner drivers," he said.
"We opened an investigation from the moment we learned of this unacceptable incident and have been in contact with the rider to extend our sincere apologies and get further information.
"The driver concerned has been suspended from the Uber platform.”
This episode has reflected badly on Uber and could be detrimental to the image they are so heavily investing in.