For some unknown reason taxi drivers, taxicabs and the subject of city travel in general is a great topic for discussion, with famous people in particular obsessive over making comments and creating analogies on the subject. Take a look at some of the bizarre and wonderful comments that have been made in the past that thoroughly amused us at High Gear Insurance. David Walliams
'I don't have a lot to share with other men. My heart sinks when I get into a taxi and someone starts talking to me about football.'Gwyneth Paltrow
'Brits are far more intelligent and civilised than Americans. I love the fact that you can hail a taxi and just pick up your pram and put in the back of the cab without having to collapse it. I love the parks and places I go for dinner and my friends.'Morgan Freeman
'Was I always going to be here? No I was not. I was going to be homeless at one time, a taxi driver, truck driver, or any kind of job that would get me a crust of bread. You never know what's going to happen.'Jodie Foster
'With 'Taxi Driver,' I had this eureka moment. I realized that acting could be much more than what I had been doing. I had to build a character that wasn't me.'