Taxi passenger’s greatest bugbear is getting into a taxi that is playing awful music, refraining from leaping out of their seats, leaning over to the radio and ending the torture.
As a
taxi driver it is your obligation to ensure no ears are offended whilst riding in your car, including your own.
By gauging the type of customer opening the cab door you must perfect the art of guessing their music taste.
For example, generally two older ladies on their way to this month’s Women’s Institute meeting will not appreciate Kiss FM’s hour of old school Rap.
By investing in an eclectic musical collection for your taxi you will be making life a lot easier for everyone. Not only can you give your customers a choice of genres and artists but you will be sure to like every song played, not having to put up with the music chosen by your passengers.
However, you do not want anything too outlandish, just music that creates an attractive backing noise whilst chauffeuring your passengers.
Let us know what you like to play in your cab or if you like to sing like this guy...