Following the release of an AA report which found that insurance premium rates for female drivers aged between 17-22 years have risen by 75, young motorists are being urged to shop around in order to find the lowest deals possible on car insurance. The hike in insurance premiums couldn’t have come at a worst time for young motorists who are already struggling to keep up with the cost of motoring due to the increasing fuel costs. A large proportion of the drivers who fall into this age group are in full time education at University of college meaning they have a limited amount of disposable income. For this reason, it’s essential that these drivers do all they can to seek out an affordable deal on motoring insurance to ensure they can stay on the road. It’s been proven that shopping around for car insurance quotes can save drivers a substantial amount of money. In some cases the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive quotes found for a 20-year-old female driver have differed by 30%. With savings this good available, you can’t afford to not look around for a low cost deal on motor insurance.