A DD10 is issued if a driver causes serious injury by dangerous driving, usually resulting in an at-fault claim. If you have a DD10 on your record then you may be slightly worried as to how this will affect your insurance premium, with your driving ability being undermined as a result of your penalty. At High Gear we have years of experience and knowledge in regards to DD10 policies, having worked with convicted drivers for many years. If you have a DD10 on your record and are worried about the price of your insurance then there is no need to panic, we can work with you to arrive at a bespoke policy to support you. By gaining an idea of you, your information and your driving history we can explore many avenues, selecting the right one that best reflects your insurance needs. Whether you are looking for car insurance, taxi insurance, truck insurance or even crane insurance, we at High Gear can make sure that your DD10 does not define you as a person, holding you back from receiving a great insurance policy. Contact us today and allow us to discuss your options with you, arriving at an agreement that best suits all parties. [convictions]