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Car Insurance With a IN10

Car Insurance With a IN10

Code: Offence: Penalty points:
IN10 Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks 6 to 8
If you have an IN10 on your driving record then you will be aware of the dyer consequences it can have on your insurance, with insurers seeing you as a huge risk to cover. At High Gear we like to do things differently, doing our utmost to help convicted drivers get back on the road, supporting them with a high standard policy plan. An IN10 is the penalty endorsement given to drivers that have displayed a lack of respect towards the insurance industry, not seeing coverage as a necessity. IN10 cover is what you need if you have been caught driving uncovered, lacking even third-party insurance whilst operating a vehicle. However, if you are on our site right now you are already displaying a change in the way to view insurance, understanding how important it is to be safe and supported whilst in control of a vehicle. Whatever conviction you have against your name, be sure that High Gear can draft up a policy for you in a matter of minutes. Whether you have a DR10, an AC10 or an IN10 against your name, we feel that nobody should miss out on High Gear’s unmatched insurance service. If you wish to receive a quote for IN10 insurance then call us today and speak with a member of our sales team. Our workforce is packed with insurance specialists with a long history of experience in IN10 policies. We look forward to your call.

Our services


We can help guide you through the often confusing world of car insurance and find the policy that’s right for you.


Being a Taxi driver is a fantastic occupation, although it’s one that comes with its own challenges and hazards too.


Van owners out there, we would like to welcome you to HIGHGEAR Insurance, the UK’s first choice for van cover.


A chauffeur is an important and rewarding job where you get to meet interesting people AND drive some fantastic cars.


Transport is a vital part of wedding day nuptials and can serve so much more than simply the opportunity to travel.


No trade is left out of our prices for coverage, understanding the necessity to reduce business rates to increase profit.