According to recent research carried out by price comparison website,, as many as 14% of parents in the UK have named themselves as the first name driver on a car insurance policy when in fact the car is mainly used by their child in a practice known as fronting, which is in fact illegal. Despite the fact that falsely naming yourself as the first name driver on the policy to obtain cheaper car insurance is illegal, 1 in 4 drivers admitted doing this, while 13% said they would do it and a further 15% said they would consider fronting on an insurance policy, according to the findings of recent research from However there seems to be a lot of confusion over the legitimacy of fronting as 1 in 4 people who were polled by the price comparison site said they believed the practice was legal, while a third of those questioned said they didn’t know whether it was legal or illegal. Insurance experts have described the findings of the study as “worrying” and are urging motorists to think about their actions before contemplating posing as the first name driver on a car they rarely use as not only is this illegal, but if you did need to make a claim and you were discovered to be fronting, then this could invalidate the entire insurance policy.