Learner Driver Car Insurance

High Gear are currently offering fantastic car insurance rates to learner drivers, introducing new drivers to the road with a warn welcome.

Car Insurance for leaner drivers and new drivers

Learner driver car insurance  

High Gear are currently offering fantastic car insurance rates to learner drivers, introducing new drivers to the road with a warn welcome.  
When most car insurance companies hear the words “learner driver” they think “high risk”, “young driver” or “inexperienced”. At High Gear we feel these to be inaccurate opinions. In fact, we believe that many learner drivers are a fantastic risk for any insurance company to take on, with their conscientious nature when behind the wheel proving a benefit with regards to road safety.  

What makes learner drivers a “good risk”? 

Due to the stage of their driving life new drivers are often tarred with the same, brush, all thought to be inexperience and high accident risks. However, this is not entirely correct, with their lack of experience meaning they have not formed bad habits.  
Below you will find just some points as to why we like working with leaner drivers: 

It’s a legal requirement for learner drivers to be accompanied at all times by an older, more experienced driver. This ultimately gives way to more attention being paid on the road, other drivers as well as speed. 

With insurance theory tests now more comprehensive than ever, most learner drivers have an excellent understanding of the Highway Code and the relatively new Hazard Perception part of a driving theory test means learner drivers take to the road more prepared than ever before. 

 Most other road users will be more cautious when travelling behind or beside a learner driver when they see those “L” plates on a car. This therefore forms a sort of protective bubble, seeing learner drivers as a safe option to insure in our eyes.  

Taking all of this into consideration it will be no surprise to hear that High Gear Insurance offer fantastic rates for learner drivers car insurance, wanting to start new drivers off on a policy that is rich in quality but not high in price.  
Call us today and speak to our friendly sales team and ask about our schemes exclusive to learner drivers.

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At sunt asperiores eos cumque officiis a quae placeat aut laborum consequatur. Et tenetur repellat et dicta sapientes ratione dolores ea facere suscipit.

At sunt asperiores eos cumque officiis a quae placeat aut laborum consequatur. Et tenetur repellat et dicta sapientes ratione dolores ea facere suscipit.

At sunt asperiores eos cumque officiis a quae placeat aut laborum consequatur. Et tenetur repellat et dicta sapientes ratione dolores ea facere suscipit.

At sunt asperiores eos cumque officiis a quae placeat aut laborum consequatur. Et tenetur repellat et dicta sapientes ratione dolores ea facere suscipit.

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