Thanks to a new device known as the spy-in-the-box, sky high insurance premiums for responsible younger drivers could become a thing of the past. Several years ago car insurance provider Aviva trialled the technology, but promptly dropped the scheme as the equipment was too costly. However over the course of the last few years, the devices have become more sophisticated and affordable and so a number of insurance companies are now looking into introducing the technology to help lower the cost of cover for younger drivers. Drivers under the age of 25 have borne the brunt of the car insurance premium increases as recent figures found that in some circumstances, the cost of cover rose by 50% over the course of the last 6 months for young motorists. The introduction of spy-in-the-car boxes could put an end to high premiums for careful young drivers. The device, which is the size of approximately two cigarette cartons, is installed in the engine and monitors the driver’s ability. The device measures average driver speeds, the times of day or night they tend to travel, and their braking and acceleration habits in order to create a picture of what kind of driver they are. It’s been reported that six UK car insurance companies are currently looking into the possibility of offering spy-in-the-car box car insurance policies.