If you are on the search for car insurance then you will no doubt spend a considerable amount of time comparing and contrasting deals, wanting to gain a clearer idea of what you could get for your money. At High Gear we are all about offering an honest service, not pushing extra products on customers simply for our own gain. Our approach is somewhat different, relaying the details of add-ons and seeing if they will by any means benefit customers. Putting drivers in control of their policy features we help save money, time and patience throughout the insurance shopping process.
However, if you are looking for add-on products then below are our top picks:
Breakdown cover
The truth is you should always expect the unexpected, with breakdowns, accidents and mechanical issues never pre-empted. This is why at High Gear we are strong believers in the worth of breakdown cover, having helped many of our customers in sticky situations in the past.
Courtesy car
Opting to write in a courtesy car into your policy is essential, especially if you need your vehicle to commute to work or to carry out your daily duties. Requiring just a one-off payment during the set-up stage this add-on is one of our favoured here at High Gear.
No claims bonus protection
With all drivers wanting to save money on their insurance protecting your no claims bonus can be a wise move, with a small bump undoing your impeccable driving record. No claims bonuses do have a bearing on the risk you pose in the eyes of an insurer, hence why many driver's feel the need to protect them.
For more information on any of the above products or to obtain a quotation for car insurance contact us today and speak with a member of our sales team.